EZ-HEAT Surgical Bed Warming Controller

This patented warming system allows the user to heat the induction chamber and warming beds simultaneously.

EZ-1000 Includes: 1 EZ-HEAT Controller.

The system handles up to 4 Surgery setups. Add the EX-103 Microflex Breather to each setup, which work in perfect harmony with all E-Z Anesthesia systems.

Select your Surgery Setup options below. Add beds and breathers.

(Additional cost)

Add First Surgery Setup

Can be used as XL Bed or Chamber Warmer.

Optional Add on for each surgery setup.

Add Second Surgery Setup

Can be used as XL Bed or Chamber Warmer.

Optional Add on for each surgery setup.

Add Third Surgery Setup

Can be used as XL Bed or Chamber Warmer.

Optional Add on for each surgery setup.

Add Fourth Surgery Setup

Can be used as XL Bed or Chamber Warmer.

Optional Add on for each surgery setup.

Product price
Additional options total:
Order total:
SKU: EZ-1000 Categories: , ,


EZ-HEAT Surgical Bed Warming System:

E-Z Heat is an extremely user-friendly system that allows up to four connected beds to help maintain the patients’ body temperatures during surgical procedures. This patented warming system allows the user to heat the induction chamber and warming beds simultaneously. The warming beds ranges from 95 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Bed temperatures can be adjusted in the administrator options. Each of the warming circuits displays the elapsed time and the set temperature, which can be set individually. All settings made in the administrator options are password-protected to ensure total security from tampering individuals. The heating bed also allows the option to mount our Microflex Breather and works in perfect harmony with all E-Z Anesthesia systems. 

EZ-HEAT Includes:

  • 1 EZ-HEAT Controller

Additional information

Controller Options

Controller Only, Controller with Beds

Bed 1

No Bed, Flat Bed 4" x 10", V-Shaped Bed 4" x 11", XL Heating Bed 11″x6″

Bed 2

No Bed, Flat Bed 4" x 10", V-Shaped Bed 4" x 11", XL Heating Bed 11″x6"

Bed 3

No Bed, Flat Bed 4" x 10", V-Shaped Bed 4" x 11", XL Heating Bed 11″x6″

Bed 4

No Bed, Flat Bed 4" x 10", V-Shaped Bed 4" x 11", XL Heating Bed 11″x6″


Download the EZ-Heat Data Sheet